Years in the making...

After years and years of working for multiple retailers, managing stores, and pushing my favorite brands; It's finally time to launch "Wear The Crown". Officially started in 2017, I have been working on a brand that I believe in. A commitment to quality over quantity, WTC stands for those that work their asses off for what they have and don't give a FUCK what anyone thinks about them. Wear The Crown is it's own "mission statement".. Don't settle for anything but being the fucking best. Riding motorcycles, skateboarding, art and tattooing, or just going to work everyday striving to take over the next position. NOTHING can stop us!


After a near fatal motorcycle accident on June 3rd, 2018 - It would be an understatement to call this a "setback". However, the COMEBACK is much greater than the setback. I broke almost every bone in my body, including breaking my hip / pelvis in half, both of my hands, my left knee blown out with a fraction of a kneecap left, my left foot broken in so many places, my right arm broke in half, broken ribs, broken jaw, and a TON of nerve damage making it extremely hard to walk. Now my right foot suffers with "drop foot". The list goes on and I have plenty of hardware installed in my body for the rest of my life. (Yes, I set off airport alarms and am frequently asked to step aside for further inspections)


It's been close to a year later, and the healing still has a long road ahead. I basically taught myself how to walk again, refuse to use a cane, and certainly refuse to be pushed around in a wheelchair. So... my pride has been stepping in and I've worked everyday to get better and stronger and become "normal".


I will continue to update you guys / gals as I progress, and I will share information that is TRUE. I only ask that everyone respect, and understand that even though someone may seem fine, the hardest battle is the mental battle. 


Wear The Crown is officially here, and we are here to stay. 


CAN'T DIE / WONT DIE Mentality.



Chad H.


  • Free freedom…..nonsense

  • Hi Chad, wishing you all the best for your recovery. I’ve been searching for some band info about your band Wear The Crown, I’ve sent a message by the bandcamp site too. Just to let you know: we’ll be playing the song ‘Murder Fakes’ in our online radio show ‘Barracuda’ on Wink Radio (Netherlands) on next friday July 10th, 2020. Our show is online every friday night from 22.00 til midnight. Hope to hear from you, about yourself and your recovery situation. But also about the band’s history, and future ideas – I guess and I hope as soon as you have recovered! So take care! Hope to hear from you.
    All the best from The Netherlands
    ‘Barracuda’ at Wink Radio

    André de Looff
  • lCUWRDYQatGkwcgn

  • brAPJtxINFus


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